With Love

With love, you were conceived.

With divine power, your life was given.

With awe, we heard your heartbeat.

With joy, we found out you were a boy.

With pride, we named you Cameron.

With excitement, we felt you move.

With wonder, we watched you grow.

With patience, nine months passed.

With fear, we drove to the hospital.

With dread, we waited to hear your heartbeat.

With shock, we found out the worst.

Without warning, you had died.

With endless sadness, we held your stillness.

With tears, we buried you.

With pain, we grieved for you.

With emptiness, we learnt to live.

With heartache, we continue to miss you.

With love, we will always remember you.

This post was first published on Rhonda's blog, Life Without Cameron, on June 30th, 2010.

Photo source: MahPadilha

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful poem! So recognizable. The only difference for me is that we had a little girl. Also a full grown little girl. Without any suspicion she passed, 3 days before birth. Thank you for sharing this!


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